Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Out with the Old; In with the New!!!

Current music selection 
Nat King Cole Via Collector's Series.
Current state of mind 
Hopeful. Eager. Calm.
Current thoughts

I am Boise bound. A new chapter in my life will be inaugurated come Saturday morning; I am ready. It's been a long time coming--delayed per my (upcoming) roommate's request. I have tied up my loose ends, dotted my 'i's and crossed my 't's. It's time to bid Burley adieu. Contrary to some confusing thoughts (mainly personal roadblocking fears) I've had recently concerning my move, I now realize how imperative it is for me to reside in Boise once more. I am certain I'll continue gaining a newfound vitality and strength in myself in these forthcoming months. Even though I know my health and aspirations will be better served residing in Boise, it is hard to accept there will be friends I won't be able to see as often. I hope you, friends, know you always have visitation rights to my apartment.

Some miscellaneous pictures for the curious:

One well-known house in Rupert I took 'my kids' to trick or treat at on Halloween.

Frosting for our Halloween cookies. I say 'yes' to a whole gamut of holiday traditions.

Bento boxes + girlfriends = delightful. 

Displaying new pedicures within our hotel room. 

 A late night walk with Archie.

Elevator smiles with Miss Chrissy!! XOXO 

 My sister Tara and I post birthday extravaganza.

 Amanda dearest.

 One of many dinners at El Caporal with friends.

 My first run with a group of runners: the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving with Siobhan!! That hat got me on TV! 

 Jason with hot cocoa. Me with hot tea. Perfection.

 It had been YEARS since I had indulged in a Twinkie--until that night when I split a package with Mr. Motley!

Later that evening both Diana and Angelina were accosted by an elderly lady on the dance floor. . .you think you've seen just about everything, and then yet another event astounds you with a new awareness of your own foolish naivety.

A 3:00 AM art date with the lovely and highly talented Kayla.

After much artistic release, Kayla and I became famished from creative exertion. ;).

 Food, yo.

 Tyler and I may be guilty of spending far too much time (and thoroughly enjoying) playing with blocks.

 Behold (!!!): Coffee Land (very much akin to Candy Land. . .but with far greater perks)!! If you reach the cup of java, you get another purchased for you. We're in the midst of patenting it.

 I am certain that Tyler has an overwhelming skill at block building architecture. Props.

 We practiced bowling stunts that night. We also had suggestive bowling names. If you know what I mean.

 Pimp style. And, yes, we robbed the place.

 Movie date.

 The Heyburn park with Victoria. It was chilly that day and wholly invigorating.

 Love displayed.

 Love returned.

 Christmas partying! Tis the season (or. . .was the season).

 I'll miss you Roxy.

 Evermore a fan of eating. Evermore a fan of my friends.

 Truffle making marathon with my sister Jessy--at least five hundred truffles were born from that night's process. 

 I love, love, love these two girls!!!

Shuffle board competition with the finest of competitors! This is a choice game of mine.


 Adorned with the hat Ryan brought back from his Russia trip. I felt like a 'skimo in it. 

Tiffany, Alex, and Derek.

 The most pristine walk of the year. Yet another example of God's gorgeous work.

 Love of my life.


 A night of packing. . .one of many.

 I am going to miss you, Jess. You were always meant for California. ;).

 Food. See a pattern?? 

 New Years with my sis. I was working. . .though hardly working.

 Partiality. For. These. Girls.

 My new friend Dustin--I met him while DJing (third job), though we actually went to school together.

 The tacky (but completely necessary) hat says it all.

Well. . .I must continue packing. . . I hope these photos tie you over till I invest time into writing something on this blog of mine. ;). Happy New Year!!!!

Love Tamara. XOXO

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